What an amazing honor to serve 35N as your District Governor for the Lionistic year 2024-2025 (Florida, Bahamas, Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao). My entire professional career has been serving people medically. It is now time for me to share my volunteer spirit and be “Serving Beside You,” which has been my motto for the past three years. I will serve this district with heart, pride, and unfaltering commitment. I am proud to be a Lion and honored to be your Lions International Ambassador this year. I am ready to “Make My Mark”!
District 35-N is comprised of Lions clubs located in Florida, Aruba, Bahamas, Bonaire, and Curacao. Our mission is delivered every day by our Lions and Leos throughout our district. These Lions serve their communities' humanitarian needs, and encourage peace and promote international understanding through their individual club's work.
District 35-N is structured to support all Lions clubs in the region through hands-on training and ongoing communications. Every district chair is available to provide each club with access to the District's assets and expertise. Our commitment to our clubs is unwavering.
District 35-N and its 55 Lions clubs focus on supporting humanitarian causes that benefit the well-being of our communities in the district we serve. These causes are Vision, Disaster Relief, Diabetes, The Environment, Student Support, Youth Support, Hunger, and many more.
On November 11th , PDG Tony Montes and Oscar Montes collected and delivered to Winn Dixie (recycling depository), 6 plastic bags as part of our environmental service project.
We have now completed the collection and delivery of an additional 500 lbs. of plastic within the stipulated period, therefore we will receive our fifth park bench from Trex Co.
Our club provided for and assembled 45 blessing bags for the patients of the Open Door Health Center. The Center serves patients who don’t have health insurance and don’t qualify for government aid. The contents of the blessing bags were donated by club members and comprised toiletries such as soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail files, and combs; and health supplies such as vitamins, and first aid supplies, and over-the-counter medications. The monetary value of each blessing bag was approximately $25.00 making the total value of the blessing bags to be $1,125.00.
Supplies that were left over consisting mostly of over-the-counter medications were boxed and also donated to the Health Center to provide to patients on an as-needed basis. The approximate value of these over-the-counter medications was $300.00.
On May 18, 2022, the following club members helped assemble the blessing bags: Teresita San Miguel, Teresa Saumell, Melba Solis, Daniel Pedreira, Natasha Perez, Cathy Triana, and Jose Luis Mir, Natasha Perez’s son. Tony and Mayra Montes had assembled blessing bags previously and were included in the total of the 45 bags. Juan Tejera took all the supplies to the meeting place for assembly. On May 20, 2022, Mr. Rolando Barrios, Clinic and Grants Manager of Open Door Health Center picked up the blessing bags and extra supplies from Natasha Perez’s office. He was extremely grateful to the club for the contribution and said it would go a long way to help the poor patients they serve.
Jamilah Cotea with Lion Teresa G San Miguel, Peace Poster Chair MD35.
During our MD35 Convention just held in Miami, a prize check was supposed to have been given to the winner. Due to unfortunate circumstances, the check got misplaced and was just found by PID NEIL among other items pertaining to the Convention.
This picture shows Jamilah at my home yesterday when I finally received and presented the check.
Let’s congratulate Jamilah and wish her luck in pursuing advanced art classes in the future.
Miami Buena Vista-Biltmore, collected and delivered to WINN DIXIE (recycling depository), 10 plastic bags (10lbs each) to continue with our environmental service project. This project consists of collecting 500 lbs. of plastic bags in exchange for a park bench to be donated by TREX COMPANY.
Miami Buena Vista collected and recycled 172 pairs of glasses during the last week of August.
Chocolates donated by District 35-N to Hospital Staff - Therapists and Nurses - at Miami Mercy Hospital and Broward Memorial Hospital Pembroke.
Ground breaking ceremony in Curacao for the All-Inclusive Playground.
Chocolates to first responders- firefighter and police.
Books and chocolates to St Dominick, Don Bosco, and Hispanic library donated by Lion Fernando Medina.
Another mission accomplished by Lions of District 35N.
The foundation has just approved a $25,000 grant to buy electronic devices for blind children (mainly talking computers.) Due to the current pandemic, these children will not be able to attend their special classes and without these devices would be cut off from their studies and could fall behind.
This is in addition to $27,300 previously granted for this purpose earlier in the year. It brings total foundation grants in 2020 to various entities to $98300. During the past five years, it has disbursed almost $400,000.
In 1946 Lion Edward Dalton purchased 100 shares of IBM at approximately $900 and donated them to the club. This was a very generous gift because $900 then was equivalent to $13,708 today. His gift carried two stipulations: (1) the money was to be used to start a club foundation, and (2) the stock and subsequent dividends were not to be touched for ten years. He said in his presentation speech "I believe the company has a good future." He was absolutely right. Within ten years it grew to $160,000 including splits.
In 2021 the Miami Lions Club Foundation will celebrate 75 years of service to the blind.
Lion Alan Campbell - Foundation PresidentIf customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Our district provides an opportunity for youth and young adults to serve in their communities, and develop leadership skills and grow as individuals. There are Alpha Leos (ages 12-18) and Omega Leos (ages 18-30).
There are 61 Lions clubs in our district. Each club is filled with people like you ready to take action and serve others. Lions form unique friendships and meaningful connections that can last a lifetime.
The Service Journey is an approach to living and serving well. To making a real difference people can see and feel. It encompasses four simple phases: Learn, Discover, Act, and Celebrate.
Copyright © 2019 LIONS DISTRICT 35N - All Rights Reserved.